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The cost per win discussion is reminiscent of the John Henry and Billy Beane characters' conversation in "Moneyball." I think it's a particularly clear way to view consider team efficiency. If course, it's not directly germane to profitability. I heard an Angels podcast in which the hosts posited that the Halos benefitted an "extra" $10 million per home game from Ohtani's presence. I simply cannot see how such a number is extrapolated. There are wild claims about merch sales, sponsor affinity desire, and tickets (season and single-game) sold. The same arguments are touted as reasons that a Yankee signing of Soto or Ohtani for monstrous sums would "pay for itself" because of the large Japanese and Dominican populations in New York. Sponsors might be more inclined to make big deals to be affiliated with such players, but that seems to be reaching. Besides winning seasons and considerable post-season success (consistency and depth), I doubt there is any justification for saying $400-$500m contracts are recuperated by increased ad, merch, ticket, or concession revenues.

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