Thanks for these round-up articles . I used the embedded link to the AFL article. I wasn't aware of the rule changes and tweaks, but all of them related in the article are merited. The ABS "customized" strike zone basis is the most intriguing. In a previous response to me, you mentioned that ABS was not ready for the big leagues. Using a composition of the batter's previous 50 plate appearances to set his strike zone is a nifty technological leap. When the ABS does come to the bigs, it must be player-specific to meet the rulebook definition and there must be confidence in its application.

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That’s the biggest leap they have to make to make it ML-ready. They tweaked it late this season in some minor leagues. We’ll see how AFL goes. Wouldn’t shock me to see it in MLB in 2025.

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I can proudly say that I have had the privilege of enjoying these four SPECTACULAR moments(97, 03, 20, 23), also enjoying Los Marlins since 1993 in the good times and always in the bad. Congratulations to all those who in one way or another are part of these achievements, to those who are here and to those who are no longer here and who also deserve it.




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