I have great memories of Norman taking me to Cooperstown for my first visit.

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What a magical place!

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I'm still formulating my view of the HOF process. It feels obligatory to put a player or two (preferred) in every year for all the ancillary reasons we know. HOF players were dominant in their area, not just very good. Regarding Manfred, Brando's Colonel Kurtz with the iconic "errand boy sent by grocery clerks" line comes to mind. Bland, but as you most accurately penned, serves his bosses well. So, I don't blame him, but he has no appealing qualities for me and most fans.

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I fully understand how most fans and most players feel about the Commissioner. What I was doing was pointing out to anyone who may wonder, “How can they extend this guy,?” the fact that it’s solely the owners who hired him, and it’s solely the owners who decide how long he continues in the role. So it’s solely the owners whose interest he fights for. Whether fans or players like him or not is totally irrelevant. As long as the industry is growing financially (which it is) and club valuations are rising (which they are), the Commissioner is doing a great job in the eyes of the owners.

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You're right, of course. His mandate is protect the owners and increase their ROI, like any CEO.

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