In honor of 100 posts on my Substack, I’ve taken some of my most-read posts from the last 4 months out from behind the paywall and made them free to all for a few days.
And for those of you who may be discovering VIEW FROM THE BLEACHERS for the first time, I’m running a 48-hour subscription special. Sign up for an annual subscription today or tomorrow and receive a 20 percent discount.
Get a full year of VFTB for just $40, our best deal ever.
This offer is ONLY available today and tomorrow.
I didn’t know where VIEW FROM THE BLEACHERS would go when I signed on to Substack for the first time on March 27, but yesterday—less than 4 months later—I published my 100th post.
We’ve had so many new subscribers join us over the course of the season so over the next few days, in honor of this Geffcentennial, I’m going to re-share some of my most-read posts to this point in the season as well as a few of my personal favorites.
There’s something for everyone: Behind-the-scenes tales of life in the big leagues, Marlins and MLB history, perspective pieces, long-form essays, statistical breakdowns, ghost stories and more.
If you’re reading any of these pieces for the first time, I hope you enjoy them and will hit the “like” button and share them with people in your network.
And if you’re inclined to enjoy any of them for the 2nd time, feel free to “like” and share as well as we continue to try to build out VFTB community.
Thanks for joining me on this journey in 2023.
We’ll unlock several more posts from from our VIEW FROM THE BLEACHERS archive later in the week.
Don’t forget, I’m running a 48-hour subscription special. Sign up for an annual subscription today or tomorrow and receive a 20 percent discount.
Get a full year of VFTB for just $40, our best deal ever.
This offer is ONLY available today and tomorrow.
While you’re here…
Learn more about one-on-one play-by-play coaching from Glenn Geffner via Zoom at
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Congrats on the first one hundred!
Your blog has been the best part of the season for me Geff.